/* ----------------------------------------------------- Blogger Template Style Booted from wordpress to blogspot by Gecko Name: Death Designer: URL: Date: ------------------------------------------------------ */ Kuroi Shishi 黒い獅子

mercredi 9 mai 2007

Li gro michan

Character Design pour un gros projet en cours.
Character Design for a Huge current project.

1er Essai Painter 6

Petite coloration sur painter + making of. Enjoy!
Coloring on painter + Making Of. Enjoy!

City of the Dead

Yeeeeeeekk. Finalement J'ai reussi a mettre ma page en ligne. Bonjour à tous!!! Certains me connaissent deja, d'autres pas. bienvenue sur Kuroi Shishi ^^ ! (trad. "le lion noir")
On commence tous doucement avec un peu de matte painting. Un exo Photoshop a rendre.

Yeaaaaaaaah. Finally i've been able to put my page online. Whatup y'all!!! Some already know me, some may not. Welcome to KUROI SHISHI ^^ ! (trad. "the Black lion").
Let's start Nice and slow with a lil bit of matte painting. Some exercice i had to present at school.

© 2006 Kuroi Shishi 黒い獅子 | Blogger Templates by Gecko & Fly.
No part of the content or the blog may be reproduced without permission.
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